¿Qué ver en Botanická zahrada při voš a szeš v táboře, Tábor?
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The Botanical Garden at VOŠ and SZeŠ in Tábor is a beautiful attraction located in the Czech Republic. The garden is open to the public from April to October, with varying hours depending on the season. The entrance fee is typically around 50 CZK (approximately $2 USD) per person.
The official website for the garden is not available, but there are several resources online where visitors can find information about the garden, including its location and hours of operation.
In addition to exploring the beautiful botanical garden, visitors can also take advantage of other attractions in the surrounding area. For example, the historic city of Tábor is home to several notable landmarks, including the Hussite Museum and the Kotnov Tower. Visitors can also enjoy hiking and biking in the nearby countryside.
Overall, the Botanical Garden at VOŠ and SZeŠ in Tábor is a lovely destination for nature lovers and anyone looking to explore the beauty of the Czech Republic.
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Botanická zahrada při voš a szeš v táboře